
Sunday, October 3, 2021

What We Need

I wasn’t going to share this story. I’ve shared so much this week. However, I figure if you’re tired of hearing from me, you can just skip this one. But if you like stories, maybe this one will resonate or encourage or just give you a good chuckle.

After church today Rick and I ran a few errands killing time until we had to meet back at the building to get Bella off the bus returning from the junior high retreat this weekend. Thanks to my most punctual husband, we arrived right on time and found ourselves pulling into a large pack of parents also there and out of their cars waiting on the buses.

I immediately knew if we stopped and got out we’d be running into people all over the place. It was like a giant social scene in the church parking lot. Lately, not much in the mood to answer a lot of questions about what’s going on with me, my introverted side has been kicking in in situations like this. I instructed Rick to keep driving and pull over away from the crowd. He understood. He’s been all about protecting me in these past couple of weeks knowing sometimes it’s just hard to socialize and make chit chat.

As we were pulling away from the crowd, however, a friend was coming towards our car. Of course we stopped, rolled down the window and visited for a few minutes. And that was perfectly fine and good, but while doing so the large passenger buses (5 of them) began to return.

As our car was in the way, the junior high pastor jumped out and asked us to move forward. Quickly complying, Rick inched up and pulled into a parking space a bit further ahead.

And that’s when we realized we were in trouble.

Those 5 big buses came barreling up and pulled right in behind us and we were stuck in our parking space as the mass of parents scurried over to our area of the parking lot. We found our car completely blocked in by the buses and the space outside of our car completely engulfed in a swarm of moms and dads hugging tired teenagers stumbling off the buses. All of this as leaders were tossing duffle bags and sleeping bags and massive mounds of pillows all over the ground. It was like a giant, chaotic reunion. It was like a party that had come to us ... and we couldn’t leave.

And it was the last thing either of us wanted at that moment. But we were trapped with this line of big buses behind us, and, what's more, it was clear, we weren’t going anywhere soon. I’ll be honest, we both kind of wanted to crawl under our seats right then. I might or might not have, in that moment, criticized my husband’s parking space selection.

Sighing heavily, I looked out the window and saw standing directly in front of our car a dear family who had just this week been granted legal adoption of their (now) 13 year old daughter. I felt that familiar stirring in my heart: I had to get out and go give them a hug. Of course I did. We’ve been praying for them and this was big and wonderful news worthy of celebration!

While I was hugging them another friend ambled up and gave me a big hug. And then another friend from an old bible study came up and explained how God has been putting me on her heart constantly and she’s been praying big prayers. And another friend just grabbed my arm and squeezed. And then another. Well, you get the picture. And you know what? It wasn’t mindless chit chat, it was quick, but deep, ministry to my soul. It was beautiful community coming alongside me. Not asking a bunch of ill-desired questions, but quickly and quietly letting me know, they love me.

No, we didn’t want to place ourselves in the middle of the masses this afternoon. We didn’t want to visit and make small talk with all of these other waiting parents.
We didn’t think that was at all what we needed.
But it is where God placed us.
I mean He literally blocked us into a parking spot in the very center of this community.
We were stuck.
We were surrounded.
We were embraced.
We were hemmed in on all sides.
And that is exactly where we needed to be.

He really does know what we need.
Even when we don't.

"for your Father knows what you need before you ask." - Matthew 6:8

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