
Thursday, October 7, 2021

As We Wait

 As we wait for results from yesterday's PET scan, I am clinging to the cross of Jesus this morning. Like the bleeding woman in the book of Mark (Mark 5:25) who--not fully understanding--but in simple faith, knew she must touch the hem of Jesus' garment as He passed by. I'm holding hard to His hem, I'm grabbing on to His garment with everything in me right now.

It is in moments like these when our eyes are opened wider than we ever knew possible; moments like these when life feels melted down to the most dire, the most visceral, and the most real; moments like these when nothing else matters but God's Truth. There's this line from a song a friend just reminded me of this morning, "Oh, the differences that often are between everything we want and what really need." 

It is in moments like these when we discover if we TRULY and FULLY TRUST the One we say we do. 

Of course we pray this waiting period is the very deepest part of this particular valley, but whatever results may show, we know God holds the entire mountain in His hand---the mountain top, the valley, and, yes, especially, the deeper valley. Reading in Isaiah this morning, I was reminded "The hand of the Lord will rest on this mountain." (Isaiah 25:10).

I wrote the following passage a few days ago claiming WHO GOD IS in His relationship with me ... (and with YOU). There is no result or word or fact or finding which can alter any of these Truths below. His Word shows Him always faithful. His Word is final. 

WHO IS GOD?  He is with me ... He makes a way in the wilderness ... He knows the outcome ... He has a plan ... He holds me in the palm of His hand ... He is my portion ... He is my Prince of Peace ... He hides me ... He covers me ... He calms the storm ... He goes before me ...  He is for me... He is faithful ... He is flawless ... He is healer and comforter ... He is Jehovah Jireh ... He is enough  ... He is my good Father ... He is all powerful ... He is trustworthy ... He is immutable ... He is unchanging ... unwavering ... unrelenting in His pursuit of me ...  He is all-seeing ... He knows the future ... He knows the very hairs on my head ... He sustains me ... He carries me ... He knows my name ... He knit me together ... He ordained my days ... He has promised good for me ... He leads me beside still waters ... He prepares a table for me ... He promises good ... He has not forsaken me ... He has not abandoned me ... He has chosen me ... He has summoned me by name ... He is my resting place ... He is the joy of my salvation ... He is the vine ... He is a mover of mountains ... He is a holder of oceans ... He set the stars in the sky and called them by name ... He is Creator of all things ... He is glorious ...  He is the way the truth and the life ... He is a name above all names ... He is greatly to be praised ... He will uphold me with His righteous right hand ... He doesn't slumber or sleep ... He will keep me ... He will counsel me ... He will fight for me ... He will make straight my steps ... He is my light ... He is strong when I am weak ... He is patient and long-suffering ... He is the giver of gifts ... He is sovereign ... He is a way maker ... He is a promise keeper ... He is my salvation ... He is my dwelling place  ... He is my strength and my song ... He is a strong and mighty tower ... He is the Lion of Judah ... He is my helper in times of trouble ... He is my shelter from the storm... He is my shade from the heat ... He is a refuge for the poor ... He is the Great I AM ...  He is my tender shepherd ... He is my Warrior ... He loves me so much He willingly took my place on the cross ... He is worthy ... He is my Rock ... He is my Refuge ... He is my rescuer ... He is my Redeemer.  He is the Alpha and the Omega ... 

He is God.

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