
Saturday, January 12, 2013

ivy's in surgery and God's in control

ivy joy is in surgery right now in boston.  they waited all day yesterday thinking surgery might happen, but it wasn't to be until this morning.  right now.  please check out mary's blog for an update...and continue to pray.  big things have to happen for this tiny girl today.

i don't know about you, but that's more than i have on my plate this morning.  i am not waking up to the worry and concern of my child going into a delicate heart surgery for the umpteenth time.  i mean i have my saturday stuff, don't get me wrong:  the grocery store, getting connor to his basketball game,  some nasty ice on the roads (the january "thaw" just froze-over last night). that kind of stuff.  we might have to intervene in a sibling wrestling match or address a sassy response.  the puppy might chew a shoe or the child might drop her milk. i'm sure someone will leave their dishes in the family room or track snow across my kitchen.  you know, the usual.  but there aren't any plans to sit in a waiting room today.  not on this day.

but even in our boring, same old same old, we don't really know what our day will bring, do we?  none of us can know it.  there's something wonderful about that...but there's always something a little bit worrisome about it, too.

i've shared before my favorite devotional, Jesus Calling, by sarah young.  thought today's passage really hit home.  whether you're mary in boston or lori in memphis.  whether you're emma or karen or john or jean...this passage is for you.  right where you the beginning of an unknown, unknow-able day stretched out before you.  there's no way to know what this day will bring...but you can know the one who brings it. directs it. orchestrates it. owns it.  stay in His presence.  my prayer for mary and my prayer for all of us.

"Let me prepare you for the day that stretches out before you.  I know exactly what this day will contain, whereas you have only vague ideas about it.  You would like to see a map, showing all the twists and turns of your journey.  You’d feel more prepared if you could some how visualize what was on the road ahead.  However, there is a better way to be prepared for whatever you will encounter today.  

Spend quality time with Me.  I will not show you what is on the road ahead, but I will thoroughly equip you for the journey.  My living presence is your companion each step of the way.  Stay in continual communication with Me, whispering My name whenever you need to redirect your thoughts.  Thus; you can walk through this day with your focus on Me.  

My abiding presence is the best road map available!"  ~ Jesus Calling

The LORD replied, “My Presence will go with you, 
and I will give you rest.”~Exodus 33:14


  1. Love this. Praying foe sweet Ivy and Mary this morning!

    1. thanks jen! sounds like she had a GREAT night last night. praising God for this miracle.

  2. praying for all involved and ahhhhh I so needed this!!

  3. This is my third year with my Jesus Calling devotional and HE has continued to open my eyes new every time. Praying for this precious baby and her family. Praying for His mighty presence in that operating room. Thank you for continuing with your blog. Many Blessings to you and your precious family!
    ~Amy Rotger

    1. oh amy, so good to hear from you! i just popped over to your mooncake blog...happy one year for qwinn! i can't believe that it's been a year! AND meritt's girls too...oh my. qwinn is beautiful and looks like she's doing so well.
      it's my third year through Jesus Calling, as well. always rich and always right on.
      thanks for saying hello! much love! jody

  4. Just getting here, and claiming Sarah Young's devotion for today!!!!!!!!

    Stay warm my MN friend!!!

