
Friday, August 7, 2009

she is Yours

We just arrived home from a week in Ohio with my entire family. It was dad's 70th birthday...we, of course, surprised him in every way possible - our separate and dramatic arrivals and a big party. Such fun. While we were there we found out that Zhang was released from the hospital and is now back at the orphanage. We did get some medical information in a report - but it is limited. I am not sure if reading it gave encouragement or discouragement. It is good news knowing she was well enough to go back to the orphanage...but it also gave us more of the story about why she ended up in the hospital in the first place.

Apparently, she was in quite a bit of distress. I read that her vitals signs were not good, labored breathing and purple face...Lots of words, lots of numbers - again, I feel so limited in what I know and in what I can decipher. Each time I think about what all of this means or could mean or might mean....I end up with the same phrase tapping in my own heart: Lord, she is yours. Is this little girl with the broken heart meant for the McNatt family? We hope so...but right now we must Rest in knowing she is His.

Today we take another logistical step forward in the process. We begin our home study. Daniel Taylor, our social worker from Lifeline will spend the afternoon in our home. A social worker in our home for 2-3 hours....looking around....interviewing our four children - yeah, no stress there - a piece of cake for sure! Considering we are still in post-vacation chaos...I had better go and wrap up the laundry and suitcase parade!

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