
Thursday, August 6, 2009

an envelope on the door

we've never had the chance before to come home and find an envelope attached to our front door. last week, however, rick added that to his coolest-experiences-ever-list. now we cannot possibly include in our blog the generosity of every friend,  but we have to tell you about this one.  a family (another one with four kids) heading home from their own vacation had a moment, while in the car, to read out loud our letter about zhang. their children had the typical responses, "cool, mom" ..."that's neat for the mcnatts"....and the even more typical (and honest) response, "we aren't going to do that are we?" but it was their 13 year old who asked, "what can we do?"

so with this question riding in the car amongst them they decided as a family to give baby zhang an amount that would equal the sum of their own family's "want." they had recently decided to buy a new sofa sectional for their basement playroom. they already had a futon in that room and agreed that the futon was perfectly fine. the money that was going to go for a new sectional could go toward bringing home zhang.

Lord, have you really given us friends like these? how surrounded we feel. how uplifted. how humbled that a family would sacrifice something in their own life to help a little girl they have never before met. this is only because of you, Lord. we, as humans, are just not bent this way. this pure selflessness is from You, Jesus. and it is beautiful.  thank you, Lord.

my sweet friend closed her letter, promising the everyday prayers of her family and offering hand holding, coffee bringing, baby sitting and "whatever you need." THIS is how Jesus reveals Himself. THIS is how He provides . THIS is how He shows His love through a family of six driving home together from vacation...a family willing to ask, "what can we do?"

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