
adoption timeline

* now begins the medical journey...time to figure out what we haven't been able to know. friday, august 6th bella will have her cadiologist appointment. so thankful to have the opportunity for good medical care.

* we are home. july 31st...bella came home. 

* our consulate appointment in china is set for the 28th.

* gotcha day - monday july 19th.  can't even imagine.

* booked our tickets for china - we leave july 16th

* June 30th - our travel approval (TA) came today - hooray!

* now that we have our LOA, we wait for our TA (travel approval)...should be receiving it sometime end of June/early July. then we GO!

* April 20th - we applied for bella's visa....had to formally name her on this document. bella grace xue mcnatt - love that!

* April 19th - we received our LOA - one month earlier than expected. truly incredible. 

* our dossier was logged into China on March 17th. now we wait for our LOA (letter of approval) from China.

* we are getting close...the dossier is just about ready to head to china...our agent said within another week or so...
(february 10th)

* our county and state authentication is approved...the dossier is now on its way to washington d.c. where it will be reviewed at the country level...then on to the chinese embassy.

* we have received immigration approval...waiting for all the steps of authentication

* we received a copy of our approved home study report last night...november12th. we had anticipated this much late september...but...finally, here we are. rick and i will review it and fed ex it along with our application to CIS - immigration. this next step is a 6-8 week wait.

* just this past week we went to birmingham for our last home study appointment.

* we turned in all of our home study documents - all 5000 of them!

* we are waiting on the home study review

* once reviewed we will submit it with an application to CIS
(citizen and immigration services)

* we begin our homestudy in august, 2009.

* there are a million details and a thousand forms.

* it has been whirlwind of paperwork...attempting to get pre-approval.

* we have started the process of adoption.  can't believe it.  july 16th we announced this to our friends and family in a letter.

* july 7th - we opened the file of a girl named zhang, xue zhu. we fell in love.

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