
Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Thank Heaven for Little Girls

In the past few weeks I got to spend--not nearly enough--but a good amount of time caring for my new granddaughter, my daughter, and my son-in-law. 

I didn't do anything all that ground shaking. Didn't close a big deal. Didn't publish a novel. Didn't get my name in the newspaper. Didn't rescue a puppy. 

Didn't even hardly get all the laundry finished. 

But I did this little thing called caring for family, and, for me, it wasn't a little thing in the least. For me it was probably more like the thrill of my year. 

Maybe my decade. 

You think I exaggerate? 

Though prone to an occasional exaggeration every now and then, in this case, no.

I assure you, a thrill. 

Being there for my first girl as she became a mom to her first girl, and then to watch her tenderly (if not a bit tiredly) navigate these first sacred days of motherhood ... I mean, seriously. No words for the way it all made my heart swell and swoon and simmer and melt.

Truly good. 

A gift. 

A grace.

Thank heaven for little girls. 

And big girls. 

And the beautiful mother~daughter relationship that God saw fit to give us here on earth to make life a little bit sweeter, hard things a bit more tolerable, heavy things a little bit lighter, wonderful things a little more wonderful. 

Hanging on Mimi's nursery door is a little door hanging pillow (yes, that's a thing) declaring this very sentiment--Thank Heaven For Little Girls. I found it at a baby boutique (this is also a thing) and gave it to Emily as a shower gift. 

About 28 years ago I had hung almost the very same pillow on Emily's nursery door. I had saved hers all these years. Why? I don't know, I guess I'm a saver of door hanging things. 

But last week, while visiting them, I knew I had tucked it away so that one day I could put it on my adult daughter's bedroom door as she slept. (Well, sort of slept). 

While staying in their home, I took a special grandma kind of delight walking past both of their doors draped with tiny pillows declaring thanks to God for their lives. 

Door hanging pillows or no door hanging pillows, doesn't much matter, but giving thanks to Him in heaven is a gift most holy. 

Truly, thank Heaven for little girls.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Mimi Grace

It is our absolute joy to introduce to you our granddaughter, Mimi Grace! 

She made her grand entrance early Saturday morning and we haven't stopped smiling.

We are absolutely smitten with this precious little lady. 

And, of course, so very proud of our Emily and Austin. They are going to be just amazing parents. 

The grandchild thing is something marvelous. First, because we marvel at this new life and next generation. But secondly, because, in addition to her new life, we are also marveling at the chance to watch our own children do something so good, so wonderful. 

It's like this double blessing of goodness I wasn't prepared for. 

Rick and I are overwhelmed with the beauty of this next season. 

Thank you Lord Jesus for this indescribable gift. 

               "Every good and perfect gift is from above, 

             coming down from the Father of lights." James 1:17 

Birdy and Grampa Bear love you, Mimi girl!