
Thursday, October 6, 2022

Only Mist

Every morning, on the way to school, Bella and I pass this lovely little farm tucked far back from the busy road.
This week as temperatures have cooled a bit there has been every morning the most beautiful blanket of mist covering the fields. Looks like snow doesn’t it? Well, y’all know we are nowhere near snow in the south at the start of October. No, it is only mist.
Only mist.
Often our lives can look blanketed in something heavy and cold. Blanketed in something too hard for us to handle. Blanketed in something not right for this season.
We see only so much.
We understand only so little.
I feel that way too some days. Especially in this past year.
But I was reminded this morning that even in the hardest of hard, God’s promises remain faithful and sure. Even when things look a certain way, God remains the same.
This morning, my girl, DJ Bella, had chosen to play Maverick City’s song, “Promises.” And, as we drove by, I couldn’t help but be overwhelmed by the beauty
… of those words
… and this landscape
… and His faithfulness
in this time.
“Great is Your faithfulness to me
Great is Your faithfulness to me
From the rising sun to the setting same
I will praise Your name
Great is Your faithfulness to me
When the seasons change
You remain the same
God from age to age
Though the earth may pass away
Your word remains the same, yeah
Your history can prove
There's nothing You can't do
You're faithful and true
Though the storms may come and the winds may blow
I'll remain steadfast
And let my heart learn,
when You speak a word
It will come to pass.”
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” ~ Hebrews 13:8
Link to Promises in comments below.

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