
Thursday, March 31, 2022

All Things New


[What this devotional below says - see photo].

This is how I am putting one foot in front of the next each day under this diagnosis. 

This is my hope. 

Right here. 

What God is doing.

What He has already done. 

And, ultimately, what He will do. 

Because He took the worst thing in the world (death on the cross) and the darkest day in the world and He used it for the most beautiful, brightest redemption of this world. Not yet fully, but some day. 

Because of this … I have hope. You have hope! No matter what. 

Hope that my worst thing and my very darkest day will be redeemed! Will be made beautiful. Will, ultimately, end in the bright day of His glory. 

Because He died, I live. 

On this final day of March, I am watching spring take hold everywhere in my temporal world. Signs of life. Signs of His promises. Signs pointing to eternal hope. Reminders of redemption!

He gives us these things to show us New Life! New Life in Him!

He makes all things new. 

Beauty from ashes. 

Bright green from brown.

Blooms from bare buds.

Tender leaf from hard wood. 

He is raising the dead everywhere around me. 

Regardless of how many years you think you have ahead, don’t miss His earnest pointing to Himself. 

As we enter into this next month of Easter see Jesus. Look past the distractions of chocolate bunnies and pretty baskets and see the Man on the cross come to make our worst thing and our darkest day better … beautiful … New.🌱

“Look! I am making all things new.” - Revelation 21:5🌱✨

“Behold, I am doing a new thing;

    now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” - Isaiah 43:19

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