
Monday, February 7, 2022

The Lowest Place, The Highest Name

 “From the lowest place, we can call on the Highest Name.”

Many of you have read my not so great health update yesterday and I want to thank you for your amazing words of love and encouragement…for your prayers and for your pointing me toward Truth and Hope. The outpouring has been truly incredible. The entire McNatt family feels so loved. Honestly, we are overwhelmed.
Yesterday morning we stayed home and watched church online. Of course God ministered to us greatly in the message we heard. (Louie Giglio - Passion City Church). please listen  (click on link). I invite you to listen to the whole thing if you have time, but I really want you to take just 3 minutes today and hear his final few words. (Start the clip at 38:20). His series has been about Putting God First. In all things. In the good things and in the very hard things.
I love what he says at the end: “From the lowest place, we can call on the Highest Name.”
It reminds me of my favorite quote from Corrie ten Boom (Holocaust survivor): 

“there is no pit so deep, 
that God’s love is not deeper still.” 

Whatever I am facing. Whatever YOU are facing. Whatever low, low, low place — We can, with confidence, call on The Name of Jesus, The Most High.
“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.”
Proverbs 18:10

The name of Jesus is a Strong Tower and, be assured, there is POWER in His name.
A dear friend sent me this song over the weekend ... it's on the playlist today. 
I speak the name of Jesus over you
In your hurting, in your sorrow
I will ask my God to move
I speak the name cause it's all that I can do
In desperation, I'll seek heaven
And pray this for you
I pray for your healing
That circumstances would change
I pray that the fear inside would flee
In Jesus name
I pray that a breakthrough would happen today
I pray miracles over your life in
Jesus name
In Jesus name
I speak the name of all authority
Declaring blessings
And every promise
He is faithful to keep
I speak the name no grave could ever hold
He is greater, He is stronger
He's the God of possible
I pray for your healing
That circumstances would change
I pray that the fear inside would flee
In Jesus name
I pray that a breakthrough would happen today
I pray miracles over your life in
Jesus name
In Jesus name
Come believe it
Come receive it
Oh the power of His Spirit is now forever yours
Come believe it
Come receive it
In the mighty name of Jesus, all things are possible
I pray for your healing
That circumstances will change
I pray that the fear inside will flee in Jesus name
I pray that a breakthrough
Would happen today
I pray miracles over your life
In Jesus name
I pray for revival
For restoration of faith
I pray that the dead will come to life
In Jesus name
In Jesus name

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