
Thursday, May 14, 2020

so much to say

we may have collectively slowed ourselves down this spring, but gosh have we ever ramped up on our words. never have i seen so much bantering back and forth. pick your media, pick your madness.

pandemic? PLANdemic?

no mask? 
type of mask?

he said. she said.
i think. you think. they don’t think.

finger pointing, fist raising, words racing—socially distant, of course.

i get it: we don’t know what to do. we don’t really know how we got here or where exactly we are going. everything feels pretty uncertain and awfully unstable.
we can’t plan anything past our next meal and this leaves us feeling a bit unprepared about, well, everything.

some of us are bored. most all of us are burdened.

but our words, y’all—we’ve got to do something about them. so many opinions and so much passion. maybe our words need to follow our recent activity level: stay home. slow down. save lives.

i like words too. you know i do. but because there is unbelievable power in the words we unleash, we’ve got to choose them wisely. we need to use them well.

“death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” proverbs 18:21
let our words be life-giving. i think we can all agree, there’s enough death in our world right now.

recently, a bee-keeping friend gave us a lovely jar of honey. it was amazing to watch how much it blessed our family. we poured it in our tea and on our waffles and we sang her praises. we couldn’t get enough of this sweetness! it made everything better — even frozen waffles! it made me think of the gift of good words. 

“gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.” proverbs 16:24

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, thank you, thank you! Beautiful, beautiful....
