
Thursday, April 9, 2020

dwell. shelter. rest. refuge. 

our world is talking a lot about these words these days. 

of course we are.

we are afraid, unsure, uncertain. 
the present is inconceivable. 
the future unknown. 

and, believe me, i get it. 
i get the fear and the middle-of-the-night anxiety. 
i get the what if’s and the what nexts.

but God’s promise in psalm 91 remains true: DWELL with Him—the Most High—in His SHELTER ... and you will find rest & refuge. 

do these words promise perfect health or a pain free life? no, they do not. but rest & refuge are gifts which go beyond our physical well being. these earthly bodies are only a part of the equation. surely we must know that by now. there must be more. 
and there is. 

rest & refuge are attainable for those in any circumstance. all circumstances. 
THESE circumstances, my friend.

rest & refuge are what we each deeply desire, no matter the demise of disease or the destruction of our days. 

there’s no magic wand to make it all go away, but there is a Mighty Warrior God who calls us to find our rest & refuge in Him. 

a God who can cover us softly with the down of His feathers, and yet, protect us fiercely with the strength of His wings. 

dwell there with Him. 

james 4:8 encourages us “draw near to God, and He will draw near to us.” 

how do you draw near?
how do you dwell with Him?

well, begin with your bible, dear ones. start with psalm 91. read His word. you have time. now is the time. 

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