
Tuesday, January 7, 2020

january christmas cards

just this january afternoon i finally managed to carve out some time with our pile of christmas cards. i might get a quick glance as they arrive throughout the busy month of december, but i truly relish the chance to sit with them, looking and reading a little more closely. they are wonderful! 

christmas cards are ... 

1. BEAUTIFUL REMINDERS. these cards are reminders of the many lovely people God has placed in our lives. people we can’t always keep up with on a regular basis, but, people we treasure—high school and college friends, colleagues and coaches, relatives and relationships we hold dear. “i thank my God every time i remember you.” philippians 1:3.

2. MUCH NEEDED UPDATES! the new faces and jobs. the accomplishments, adventures and new addresses! what an amazing group of people you are. truly! it is a blessing and a joy to read your words and see your smiles. what a gift to watch your families grow and change over all these years. as most of our peer group has crossed over the 50 year line now, we are all looking a little older too! lol. our kids are graduating, getting married and even having babies themselves. that’s crazy. but it’s crazy good.

3. A TINY SLICE OF LIFE. christmas cards—like social media— give us only a glimpse.
when our kids were little it was challenging to line us all up, clean and smiling for a family portrait once a year. i thought that was really hard. but as we’ve journeyed through these years, i have come to realize that a smiling picture of an intact family isn’t really that hard at all. it’s the living between those snapshots which challenges each and every one of us. doesn’t matter how pristine or perfect the picture, we all have some pretty messy days which don’t make it into the annual christmas card. i love that some of you do take the time to share not only the joys, but also the challenges. it is a blessing to rejoice with you, but even more, it is a blessing to share in the struggles. i love that so many of you have found your hope in the Lord. how encouraging! what a beautiful thing to witness your families—some broken and bruised—but all so beautiful.

i know some of you took the year off. or the decade. and some of you stressed over the perfect picture, arranged outfits and languished over the letter. however you did them—or didn’t do them—just know, it’s okay. either way. we are so thankful to keep in touch a little through social media or through seasonal mail. it’s all good. it’s a pleasure to be reminded of God’s goodness in the gift of you and your friendships. our card this year was nothing to write home about. it was kind of a goofy, chaotic quick picture we managed on one of the only days in 2019 we were all present. i wrote a little update on the back of the photo and when they arrived from “minted” i realized it was barely legible—at least not for middle aged eyesight! live and learn —white writing on a beige background doesn’t really work.

5. A CHANCE FOR PRAYER. your cards will give me a chance to be praying for you. a friend gave me the idea of pulling out a different christmas card each day or each week (not sure yet) and praying over that person, couple or family. i love the idea and plan to commit (or at least try) to this in 2020. (if you want prayer and didn’t send a card, it’s not too late)!

thank you, dear friends and much love to you all!

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