
Monday, October 28, 2019

bring them home - promise686

i love this event.

mostly because it brings kids home and helps families who do. that's the main thing---God setting the lonely in families as He faithfully promises in psalm 68:6

but after all that amazing main stuff, what i love most is The Working Together. 

the people. 

the different talents. 

the gifts given and the sweet collaboration for a worthy cause. 

honestly, it's hard to even begin to describe the army of individuals gathered around this goal—the people who freely give and passionately serve—wish i could bottle it all up. a few photos hardly hit the mark. i have such gratitude in my heart this monday and thank you is not nearly enough.

sure, i like being in charge.

my mom said she knew that about me before i could even talk. but i learned early on it is ALL ABOUT team work. teamwork is everything in events and, yes, in life. it's a hard lesson for (bossy) enneagram #3s like me. but i am so thankful God has shown me over and over again my need to rely on others ... and mostly on Him. 

6 months of planning ... over $700,000 raised this weekend ... for the good of vulnerable children and for the glory of our very amazing God. praise be to Him. 

loved bossing these three around for the past 6 months! 

design team!

homer found a home!