
Sunday, January 10, 2016


it's a favorite night of the year.
a fairytale night.

while in grade school, our older girls attended each january and this weekend it was bella's turn.
her feet in gold slippers and her hand in her daddy's. 
off they went to the father daughter dance at perimeter school.

a magical moment for her. let's be honest, for him, too.

wild horses wouldn't keep my husband away from this chance to escort one of his princesses to the ball.
except last year.
last year, when he had to cancel and couldn't attend.

this same weekend, a year ago, rick had to change his plans. as much as he wanted to accompany his little girl to her dance, his own mama was battling cancer and in her final days of life. it was hard to explain to bella. he knew her excitement. he knew there was a brand new dress hanging in her closet. he knew how much she was looking forward to this evening. but he knew, more than anything, he had to be with his mom.

 yes, his little girl needed him, but his mama needed him more.

there would be other father-daughter dances with his girl.
there wouldn't be many more days with his mom.

though, last year, rick's mom, marilyn, wasn't twirling around a dance floor in gold slippers and pink tulle, it was just as precious a time that weekend. the final days of cancer are no fairytale, but her spirit was still shining brightly. and it was just days later his beautiful mom left this earth and was dancing in the arms of her Heavenly Father.

oh these fragile moments of life. so full of beauty. so fraught with the bitter. threads of sweetness dancing through both. precious and painful.

this year, his little girl holding his hand on the way to her dance.
last year, his loving mother holding his hand on her way to heaven.

"teach us to realize the 

brevity of life, so that 

we may grow in wisdom."  

                           ~ psalm 90:12