
Saturday, July 11, 2015

africa -- day one, a shift

we've only been in africa since {sometime} last night, but already i sense the shift in my perspective.

from this ------

to this ----

and just like that. we are here. and it isn't any longer about a place, but about people.

walking the dusty markets and witnessing the vibrancy around us. 

this continent across the world, come to life. 

that globe back home on my desk -- my blurry ideas of what africa might be --- suddenly taking on smiles and greetings and sweet faces like these two.

we are in africa. 

go ahead. pinch me.

it is only day one. and though my perspective is less blurry, i have to admit, my body is not. it is saturday evening in zambia (about six hours ahead of my georgia family). we've been operating on pure adrenalin since leaving atlanta thursday night. 

it's catching up with me as i sit typing. you get it. 

but we are here. our team was all together this afternoon for the first time. immediate connections. sisters in Christ. all of us excited and anticipating the week ahead. what does our God have planned?

anna, me, mandy, kristen, andrea, laney (andrea's daughter), april and elizabeth

perhaps a bit tired in our eyes and body this evening, but God's glory, undeniably and unbelievably clear.
IT is present. 
HE is present. 

a few minutes ago, andrea came in and said, "if you go outside right now you can see this!"  and she showed us this picture she had taken on her phone. (i know, impressive, right)?

from the easy market place smiles to the evening light out back ... africa, you are so beautiful. 

"o Lord, our Lord, how excellent -- majestic and glorious -- is Your name in all the earth! 
You have set Your glory above the heavens." ~ psalm 8:1

1 comment:

  1. Oh the beautiful people of Africa. Her cornrows are perfection!!
