
Saturday, April 4, 2015

the day in between

holy S A T U R D A Y
it's the day in between.
the day not much mentioned.
yesterday, Christ crucified.
tomorrow, risen.

but today? nothing.

the place where a lot of us sometimes live life.
the day of waiting to see what will happen.
the day of wondering what this all means.
the day of wishing we had more certainty.

the day with a giant stone rolled against a sealed tomb.
heavy. fixed. seemingly final.

how many of us feel up against the stone and the tomb of the in between day?
how many of us believe Jesus will rise--Has Risen, indeed--BUT STILL live life as if He's yet buried beneath rock?
we live waiting and wondering.
shackled and scared.
anxious and impotent.
friday is over and sunday is coming. but many of us--yes, even Christians -- we stay stuck in saturday.

i know i'm guilty.
guilty of living like there's a large stone set between me and my Savior.
guilty of living like my Redeemer isn't risen, but still barricaded behind a boulder.
frustrated with God's silence.
wanting results, answers, evidence.
bigger proof of his power.

i'm confessing these in-between-places of my heart.
clinging to yesterday's cross and hoping in tomorrow's empty tomb.
but confessing, that often my life looks like i'm lost and only somewhere in between.

Lord, thank you for using this saturday to show me the insecure tendencies of my living. let these in-between-days not be wasted, but welcomed.
use this day of nothing-much to show something-mighty. let it be the beautiful bridge taking us from your battered body hanging heavy on the cross to the fullness of an empty tomb.

remind us, our Redeemer, you never rested behind rock, but you, Jesus, are The Rock.

"the Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom i take refuge ..." ~ psalm 18:2

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