
Monday, March 2, 2015

little lulu and some very good news!

i've been wanting to share a piece of good news with y'all this month.

those of you who follow and read my blog or who know our family, know also that we've had some pretty heavy stuff ... some sadness ... some heartbreak in the past couple of months.

but today -- on this early march morning, i get to tell you something really, really awesome!

remember the little girl, lulu, who we started to pursue in adoption last february?

see post: lulu post "love and prayers: meet lu!"

she was the little girl in changsha china brought to our attention last year. we were excited thinking maybe God was calling our family to this little lamb. unfortunately after beginning paperwork, a few months later, we were told "no." this was due to my earlier tangle with cancer. and boy did it make me mad. stupid cancer, right?

truth be told, i never do well with the word, "no."

and that was hard. hard to let go that thought ... that idea ... that precious little girl in china.
hard. hard. hard.
hard to accept that cancer would still have any say.
see post: lulu post: "when the answer is no."

but eventually, the peace came even in accepting this news. and even though disappointed, we were prompted to continue praying for her, sponsoring her and having great hope for her.

and this morning, i woke to the news that TODAY little lulu is meeting her forever family!

just go ahead and let those words, that picture, that celebration sink right into your head and heart. think what that means for this family and for this little girl. seriously. think about it.

tears? yes!
tears of joy!

sure, i'm sitting here a tiny bit jealous -- of course i am! who wouldn't be? =) just look at that face!
but mostly i am just incredibly joyful knowing one less child is alone.

and knowing God always has a perfect plan.
He is good.
always good.

so often we don't understand exactly how He is working and what He is choosing for us.
but, how can we? how can we know the mind of God?
we've wrestled with that out here on this blog in the easy things and in the very hard things.

bottom line: He is God. we are not.

and, so, even when we have to give up an idea or move on from a pursuit or change direction in a desire, we trust Him.
when we can't see the hand of God, we trust His heart.
not in some things, but in all things.
and it is good.
He is good.

a friend linked me to her new family's blog. and, just this morning i read one of her mom's posts where she shared jeremiah 29:11 ---
"for I know the plans I have for you,
declares the Lord, 
plans to prosper you
and not to harm you, 
plans to give you hope
and a future." ~ jeremiah 29:11

and though little lulu might never know the thousands of people who have prayed for her this past year, today, all that matters for this little girl is that God has led her to one amazing and loving family.

and we rejoice to know it.

we claimed ephesians 3:20 and prayed that God would do,
"immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine ..." 

and He has. indeed.


welcome home, little lulu!