
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

s l o w d o w n

sometimes God gives us the most simple reminders. like a snail on a step.

i'm writing this month in series on worry --- posting these each day on my facebook page (jody mcnatt - eventhesparrow) as well as linking them together in a blog post. (worrier or warrior) .  thought i'd highlight this one today here though. not because i have a thing for snails, but mostly because i know me. i know my friends. i know us. i know how busy we all like to be. 

~ august 27 ~ 
i almost stepped on him.
i was rushing out the door, late for an appointment, arms full of items, head full of stress, and i just missed obliterating the slow life of this little guy.

and though i was late and rushing, i put down my load and looked at him for less than a minute. sat and stared. (and photographed).

there he was mocking me in my mayhem.

it was no accident.
that day, in particular, i needed the reminder: slow down!
s l o o o o o w    d o o o o o w n    j o o o o o d y ...

i've no plans to start a "save the snails" campaign,
but i have been convicted to save the slower pace.

all this rushing ...
all this running ...

psalm 39 deems it "in vain."
to what purpose? to what end? to what benefit?

i'm not sure there is any benefit to us being too busy.
in fact, i know that extreme busy-ness, brings burden.

it brings worry.
how will i get it all done?
how will i make it all work?
how will i keep it all afloat?

rushing and running and spinning and sprinting ...
and coming so very close to obliterating life
in the swift footsteps of our frenzy.

an increase in anxiety often goes hand in hand with an increase in activity.

s l o w d o w n.

be still.
be still(er).
i say (er) because i know it's hard.
it's almost inconceivable to be fully still. i have five kids -- are you kidding me? utter stillness is next to impossible. but God isn't suggesting we sit on our sofas and not move our muscles.
that isn't at all what He's asking.
but maybe it is about saying "yes" to less, "no" to more.
it's about carving out and quieting down and taking my time.

(preaching to myself) ...
release the rush and increase the rest.
let go of the push and embrace the peace.

s l o w d o w n.

1 comment:

  1. T H A N K Y O U.

    I know there are many, many other moms out "there" who needed to read that as much as I did.

    Psalm 46:10 is my favorite verse in the entire bible:

    Be still and know that I am God.
