
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

and another (good) thing ...

i know i've been throwing an awful lot at you in these past couple of days ... a new facebook page ... a 31 day prayer challenge ... and a weekly, wednesday morning devotional.  

geez louise, jody lynn! take a breath already!

BUT... i have great faith in your abilities to keep up with my kind of crazy! i know you're with me. and i have a hunch that a few of you are just as cray-zeee.

 and friends, the fun isn't over! i've got one more thing i want to introduce to you. 

yes. yes, i do.

please welcome my sweet friend, becky crenshaw! she comes to you from the happy state of tennessee and she's also a blogger/writer/speaker/sister! you'll find becky writing over at the word of God and a cup of joe. check her out! i really do wish you could hear her cute accent. i promise, you would just want to sit right down and listen to her speak all the day long! but read her words ... this gal has some good stuff to say. she writes from the heart -- raw, real and really, really beautifully! 

and if you're here, you'll want to also be there.

each wednesday morning, becky and i are going to link up our blogs and facebook pages for our {grace words} devotional. that basically means she's going to write one piece and i'm going to write one piece and we're going to link to each other -- kind of like a little party ... or, if you're one who loves a good deal,  two for the price of one!

in fact, eventually, we will open up this party thing to other devotional writers and link along with them as well! it's all fun and it's all good and mostly, it's all for His Glory.

tomorrow morning...6am (CST) and 7am (EST) ... (gets a little confusing when minnesota meets tennessee) ... we'll be posting our {grace words wednesday}... 

prayer challenge day two will also be posted! 

we'd love you to begin your day with us!

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