
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

guest blogger at faithful devotions today : stolen moments

hi friends ~ just letting y'all know that i'm a guest blogger over at faithful devotions today. click on the link and check it out!

Why is it when we step into the shower or sit down with a cup of coffee or attempt to catch five minutes of peace on the porch we are needed so desperately? With five kids ages 5 to 17, I have learned this is just how it works. It is how it will go down no matter what tactics we use to duck and take cover. I could stand in my command center kitchen ready and waiting for the great-beck-and-call of my kiddos and there would be nothing. Nada. But given the chance for a stolen moment, a thin slice of time to myself, and a frantic summons is a sure thing...(read more) ...

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