
Saturday, October 13, 2012

spread the JOY!

friends ~ today it is my honor to help "spread the joy!" i am sharing a post from my friend diana's blog.  you'll find her link below.  please take a minute to click on it and read.  there's this tiny girl who is about to have life saving heart surgery.  (and you guys know how i feel about tiny little girls and heart surgery).  anyway,  ivy joy came home from china 8 months ago and is now headed to boston this week for life saving open heart surgery (october 19th). 
Spread the Joy
some friends are hosting a fundraiser to help offset the enormous medical costs.  would you take a look at diana's blog and consider purchasing a t-shirt (or twenty)!   team ivy is asking you to:  1. purchase a t-shirt   2. share ivy's story -- spread the joy! and 3. pray. pray. pray.

(to read more about ivy joy and how you can help: 
 just click on the picture of that little cutie pie above!)

diana's blog:

i need to tell y'all more about diana and her amazing family.  will do that soon.  she and her brood are an answer to some very specific prayers for the mcnatt family since our move to minnesota.   but right now, let's order us some cute t-shirts!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet Jody,
    Thank you for helping us "Spread the Joy!" Ivy's life is such a testimony to God's faithfulness. And, a reminder that He has a plan for each one of us! Mary has asked all of us to Stand in the Gap for her baby girl.. I so appreciate you asking your prayer warriors to be part of Team Ivy!

