
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

seriously, surgery? again.

there's nothing in me tonight which wants to write this.  nothing at all.  in fact, it has taken me one full week to put anything to words at all.  but tomorrow i will be back in surgery.  same place.  same surgeon.  same spot. literally, the very same spot.

remember that mass which they quickly biopsied in january? by the way,  who gets a mass 8 months after a mastectomy?!?  that mass which was unsettling, but determined to be nothing more than scar tissue.  well that mass reared its ugly head once again last tuesday.  i was in for another routine appointment.  my surgeon took another look at it and deemed it "larger and uglier" than january.  "it shouldn't be doing this," he said.  no, it shouldn't, i thought to myself.  dr. barber went on to tell me it has gotten bigger and angrier and what really bugs him is it in exactly the same spot as the original tumor.  "it needs to come out.  we need to remove it surgically and biopsy the dickens out of it...just to be sure..."  keep in mind, my surgeon is one of the best in the country.  i'm kind of thinking this all sounds a bit quackish at this point, but he isn't the least bit a quack.  he is cautious and concerned, but he is 100% not crazy.  but this is.  this strange mass/scar tissue is crazy. this second surgery is crazy. and tonight, i feel a little bit crazy.  okay, i'm lying...honestly, i feel a lot crazy. who has a lumpectomy after a mastectomy?   

so tomorrow morning i am checking back into piedmont hospital.  because i like nice and neat little packages, i half wanted him to wait until monday, the 21st.  that was the day a year ago i started down this surgical path.  may 21st, 2011 my double mastectomy day.  but i know that's kind of weird to try to match up the dates -- i am certain this odd thought comes only from me not wanting to truly think about the what if's...the what then's...what if the biopsy comes back with some malignancy to it?  what will we do then? i can hear you all collectively screaming, "STOP jody, don't go are getting ahead of cannot camp there just yet!"  you say that, and i agree. oh, i desperately want to agree. except that deep in my soul i am starting to shake again. the bottom line:  i am not ready for this.  i am not ready to go back under anesthesia wondering what i will hear when i wake up.  i was only ready to move on.  but that is not the case.  and in this busy, nutty month of may when we are working on school finals and graduation and a move to minnesota, we are forced to pause.  forced to stop in our tracks and do this thing, at a lesser degree, again.

Lord, i don't know what you're doing.  really i don't.  but i know you are in it.  i know you have it all in your hands.  every bit of it...and that's what will get me through.  not medicine or doctors or logic.  not the assurance that this just cannot be the case...i am trusting in Him alone...Him.

so tonight i post asking if you'll pray for me again? it feels like i've asked that a lot this year.  tomorrow i'll be back in surgery at 8:30 am.  it won't be anything like a year least not physically.  a quick recovery and if all goes well, home by the end of the day.  but will you pray?  i don't know how all that prayer stuff really works, but somehow it does.  God hears the prayers of many.  rick's mom, marilyn, sent me a verse this morning which i think nails it. 

    for I know that through your prayers 
and God’s provision 
of the Spirit of Jesus Christ,
 what has happened to me 
will turn out for my deliverance.
~ philippians 1:19

so, here's where i am for the moment.  whether i am delivered again from cancer or delivered right back into it...i will claim deliverance.  my God, my Lord, my Rock is, indeed, a God who delivers. last may...this may...always.

"blessed be the LORD, my rock,
                                      and my fingers for battle;
who trains my hands for war,

He is my steadfast love and my fortress,

my stronghold and my deliverer,

my shield and he in whom I take refuge..."
~ psalm 144:1-2


  1. Praying for you and your recovery - and praying for your family for peace.

  2. "Above all taking the shield of faith wherewith you will be able to quench all the firey darts of the evil one". Yes, you have our prayers!!
    Eph. 6:16

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Psalm 16:8 (NIV) I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
      Easy words for me to quote and yet I know that He is the only reason we can get through times like these. I haven't read your blog in a while but you've been on my mind a lot. I would love for you to "meet" my friend, Laura Black. I think you would love her and vice versa! I certainly will be praying for you tomorrow and I'm so glad I saw this post tonight! If I can figure out a way to send you a link to Laura I will try!

  4. Oh Jody and all - praying right now for your deliverence. You are likely at the hospital getting 'prepped' - and I'll be back later in the day to hear more I hope.

    For what ever reason I'm sitting here joining my voice in the chorus of the many offering prayer for you all!

    hugs - aus and co.

  5. Haven't stopped by here in some time. Yet, here I am today at 8:33am! Coincidence? Not to God! Lifting you up to the King right now! "So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most." Hebrews 4:16

  6. Jody, may the Lord continue to pour out His words of encouragement and healing to you and your beautiful family. I will be praying for you. You are loved! Marcia P.

  7. Praying for the surgery and for reasons to celebrate.

  8. Praying ... sending love and a hug your way ...

  9. Oh Jody. Oh my. You know where I am with this right now...trying to trust...wrestling. Will pray without I breath for Bailey, for you as feels like too much sometimes. Not sure what else to say...I will pray.

  10. Jody, you are in our thoughts and prayers!!!

  11. Entrusting your care to "The Great Physician" . He is in control, and He is good. May God give you all the peace, comfort and strength. Praying!!!
