
Wednesday, August 17, 2011


“The LORD will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.”  ~ Isaiah 58:11

Summer evening, and I stand garden hose in hand, splashing at thirsty patches on our browning, southern lawn. The steady stream, in summer-dusk, eases the day’s tension and tryings from my mother-heavy shoulders, from the sun scorched places of busy life. “We were too much today,” I whisper low.  Flowers tip open, full-wet in their sipping and swallow. Woman swallows too, and breathes... perhaps for the first time in her day....

                  to read the rest of this post please visit me today at  {in}courage.

 DELIGHTED to be featured today at {in}courage!


  1. Hi Jody,

    Excited about your publication over at {in}courage! We tweeted your lovely devotional to share with our Twitter followers and will also be sharing it on our Facebook page.

    Heather and Vanessa@ At The Picket Fence

  2. Brilliant - vibrant - alive - and a picture that I could see and

    hugs - aus and co.
