
Friday, June 3, 2011

mama's mooncake: GASP!!! Awwwwwww!! Really!?!?

dearest amy ~ oh sweet girl....i just read your blogpost from may 26th and i am filled with understanding. filled with the feelings from a july 2009 weekend...just like yours: immediate love. incredible connection. strange loss of words. completely enamored. wildly determined. and unbelievably afraid. could she be ours? can we be hers? i know. i know. i really do know. we look back at that weekend of decision making and doctor contacting and it seems like yesterday...or a lifetime ago. i can never decide. but she is on my deck at this very moment making sandbox ice cream cones with her big sister, sarah. and today still holds all the dreams for this little girl from china...but chased completely away are the doubts. gone. God walks us through it. He carries us in it...and He leads. He always leads. trust Him friend. don't trust yourselves, we aren't able....and nothing we tell ourselves will convince us otherwise. trust Him. He is more than able. much love to you..and to the possibilities for something good.  very good.  like sandbox ice cream cones...and so much more.

* note:   okay. as much as i a blog i still struggle sometimes with technology. i was responding to a post on another gal's blog and somehow my response posted onto my blog... (really not sure how that happened).
i came back to erase it and redo...when i realized how cool for those of you who read my posts to see this one as well. this comment was in response to her family going through the decision of adoption. amy and her family were connected with a little girl, gwinn, in china with heart issues. they spent memorial day weekend praying and thinking and deciding. how do we take these steps? what is God's desire for us? does He call us to consider? He may not call us all to adopt, but He calls us to something...that much is certain.

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