
Monday, July 19, 2010

going to get bella

"sing to God, sing praise to His name,
extol Him who rides on the clouds --
His name is the Lord --
and rejoice before Him.
a father to the fatherless,
defender of widows,
is God in His holy dwelling.
God sets the lonely in families,
He leads forth the prisoners
with singing..."  ~ psalm 68:6

we woke this morning to the china sunshine streaming through our windows.  our first waking thought: this is the day.  this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it....this is the day ordained by God long ago.  this is the day bella grace will be set in our family.  this is the day.  we sing, we extol, we rejoice.  and we thank you, our faithful, faithful friends for joining in our complete and incredible  joy. this is, indeed, the day.

*** less than four hours.  we will leave for the meeting place at 2pm our time. 


  1. Happy Gotcha Day - and welcome Bella to your forever family!!

  2. very happy for you guys.

    praying God's blessing on you all,
