
Monday, August 10, 2009

pictures from china!

pictures today!
18 months old...she is all eyes. so thankful to just see her sweet face.


  1. Jody, she is lovely! So happy for you to have new photos... what a treasure. Anxious to hear how the social worker's visit went. :-)

  2. Jody - I love this pictures and I am so thrilled for you guys. I haven't had time to read all of your entries...but I will soon. This process is so close to our hearts. I will be praying for you and for sweet baby Bamboo Snow. I love that! Chinese names can be quite different to understand...but they all have such meaning.

  3. Just glad you are blogging, I will pass it on to my mom as she has asked for updates.

    have missed you this summer and am glad to get a glimpse into the journey towards bringing your baby home.

  4. We love her already too!! Her pictures make my eyes tear at the sight of such a precious treasure. What an incredible blessing she will be to you and what a blessing the McNatt family will be to her! Faithfully praying for all of you.
