
Sunday, July 19, 2009


i cannot delete one email response. we sent a letter last friday which poured out the story of zhang and poured out the hearts of the mcnatt family.  the encouragement from you, our friends, has kept us wrapped up inside the warm word, overwhelmed.  the good kind of overwhelmed, that is.  perhaps a better word is  enveloped. yes, we are enveloped by your interest and support and love. thank you. clearly we are walking in a time when we need it. we need the cheerleading. we need the hand holding. we need the reassuring words of those who love us. there is, without doubt, a theme developing here:   we need: God provides.  oh, is this how it has always been? yes, but sometimes we see more clearly. sometimes when we are stripped of all the trimmings and of all the lovely distractions...we are just able to see what has always been.
i suppose i should link friday's letter to this blog. i must investigate how, exactly, to do that.

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